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Fall Arrestors

Personal Protection Equipment : Fall Arrestors

Don't fall far with quality safety gear from Bay Engineers Supplies. Fall Arrestors, restraints, harnesses and other PPE gear can be shipped anywhere in New Zealand. Additional discounts when ordering online through a registered account.

BES MIC02SCAFF MANUFACTURE CODE: MIC02SCAFF 2m Micron Block Retractable Lanyard with Scaffold Hook
BES S008 MANUFACTURE CODE: S008 2m Double Leg Shock Lanyard with 1 D/A Hook and 2 Scaff hooks
BES S008C MANUFACTURE CODE: S008C 2m Double Leg Shock Lanyard with 1 x MC002k & 2 Scaff Hooks
BES S014 MANUFACTURE CODE: S014 2m Adjustable Shock Absorbing Lanyard with 2 Double Action Hooks
BES S014C MANUFACTURE CODE: S014C 2m Adjustable Single Leg Lanyard - 1 Carabiner & DA Snap Hook
BES S016 MANUFACTURE CODE: S016 2m Adj Twin Leg Shock Absorbing Lanyard with 1x MH003 2x MH004
BES S016C MANUFACTURE CODE: S016C 2m Adjustable Twin Leg Lanyard w/ 1 Carabiner & 2 Scaff Hook
BES S033 MANUFACTURE CODE: S033 2m Elastic Double Leg Shock Lanyard w/ 1 D/A Hook & 2 Scaff Hooks
BES S033C MANUFACTURE CODE: S033C 2m Elastic Twin Leg - 1 Triple Lock Carabiner and Twin Steel Scaff
BES SBE2K MANUFACTURE CODE: SBE2K Full Body Harness, Front Lower Loops & Back Anchorage Point Std Buckle