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The New SITI MU50 Wormgearbox

Wed, July 4, 2018  

SITI MU 50 Re Design Announcement

SITI SpA is glad to announce the restyling of Wormgearbox MU50, in occasion of the die casting mold optimisation.
The design of MU 50and its functionality are related to the improvement obtained from this restyling.

Re Design Advantages

  • The SITI MU 50 improved housing design is smoother and it's far more suitable for washing. Moreover, it is now less subject to retaining enviromental dirt.
  • Fixing points were improved, making the installation of the gearbox simpler and quicker.
  • The area reserved for the nameplate is wider, so that it won't come away easily.

If you require any additional information about this SITI Wormgearbox or any other gearbox please get in touch by sending us an email and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

Feel free to have a look at our Power Transmission web page to see some of the other products we carry.