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Rexnord Power Transmission

Rexnord New Zealand Distributor

For more than 50 years Bay Engineers Supplies has been the exclusive distributor of Rexnord Products.

Rexnord, through Bay Engineers Supplies, offers Bearings, Couplings, Industrial Chain, Brakes, PT Drive Components and Conveying Solutions to enhance the operations and applications of many different industries. With a worldwide market, Rexnord products are the preferred choice of many of the largest and most recognised global organisations. Bay Engineers Supplies has the knowledge and capability to understand your requirements, and we can provide you with the best solutions available.

Click here for all Rexnord enquiries and our Rexnord Power Transmission Product Manager will be in contact.

Rexnord specialises in the following...

Rexnord New Zealand

FlatTop Conveyor Chain

Rexnord MatTop Chain and Rexnord FlatTop Chain can be ordered directly from Bay Engineers Supplies.


Get in touch directly with Bay Engineers Supplies to discuss any requirements for Disc Couplings, Disc Couplings with Brakes, Addax Couplings, Grid Couplings, Gear Couplings or Fluid Couplings.
Rexnord Disc Couplings NZRexnord composite disc couplings and brakesRexnord Grid Couplings NZRexnord Gear Couplings NZRexnord Fluid Couplings NZ

We also can help you find an extensive range of Elastomeric Couplings or Rexnord Omega Elastomeric Couplings.
Rexnord Elastomeric Couplings New ZealandRexnord Omega Couplings New Zealand

Rexnord Accessories such as Rotating Shaft Guards are also available.
Rexnord Falk Orange Peel Rotating Shaft Guards

Industrial Chain and Conveying Components

Engineered Chain, Welded Steel Chain, Roller Chain and Leaf Chain options.
Rexnord Engineered Chain NZRexnord Welded Steel ChainRexnord Roller Chain New ZealandRexnord Leaf Chain

Heavy Duty Elevator Chain, Pan Assembly Outboard Rollers and even Bucket Elevator Rexnord Components can be customised for your needs.
Rexoird NZ Elevator ChainRexnord Pan Assembly Roller NZRexnord Bucket Elevator Components

Power Transmission Drive Components

Torque Management and ​Shaft Locking custom options.
PT Drive Components Torque LimitersPT Drive Components - Rexnord Tollok


Bay Engineers Supplies are specialists in Rexnord Rolling Bearings, Ball Bearings and Sleeve Bearings among others.
Rexnord Roller Bearings New ZealandRexnord Sleeve Bearing NZ

Conveying Solutions

Rexnord Cambridge Metal Drive Belts as well as Cambridge Spiral Cage Belt customised solutions can be created for your business.
Rexnord Conveyor Chain NZ



Learn more about Rexnord products in the Rexnord Power Transmission Overview.

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